Essential Oils

Our essential oils are extracted at the source from their native countries and are 100% natural, undiluted and of therapeutic grade

We use Almond or Argan as our Carrier oils to which we offer a mix of essentials oils so that customers can create their own mix which suits their state of mind and massage needs. Our essential oils are extracted at the source from their native countries and are 100% natural, undiluted and of therapeutic grade.



Source: France

Aroma: Floral, Sweet, Herbaceous

Lavender has a physically and emotionally balancing fragrance and is, therefore, the most commonly used essential oil for relaxation massages. It has mild sedative qualities which help calm and relax the brain also reducing cortisol levels that contribute to the stress hormone. Stress is known to weaken the immune system so lavender also indirectly contributes to improved immunity through its stress-reducing qualities.

If used cosmetically and topically, the oil is good for relief from insect bites and skin irritation.

Medically, Lavender has been found to relieve muscle spasms, relieve flatulence, healing of irritated scarred skin as-well-as anti-rheumatic qualities


Ylang Ylang

Source: Madagascar

Aroma: Sweet, Floral, Intense

The Aromatherapy applications of Ylang Ylang are stress soothing, helping with anxiety, sadness, tension, and insomnia. Ylang Ylang has mood-boosting qualities and can often be used as an aphrodisiac as well.

If used cosmetically and topically, the oil is known to balance and regulate skin/hair oil production. It enhances circulation, creating rejuvenation qualities.

Medically, Ylang Ylang is known for its anti-inflammatory benefits, reducing stress and balancing blood pressure.


Clove Bud

Source: Sri Lanka

Aroma: Warm, Sweet, Earthy, Spicy

Traditionally clove has been used in Indian and Chinese medicine as a warming and stimulating agent.

Clove blends well with other essential oils such as Ylang Ylang, Rose Geranium, and citrus oils to help soothe sore muscles, promoting mental clarity and concentration.



Source: Italy

Aroma: Citrusy, Sweet, Fruity, Fresh

Bergamont is often described as sweet lemons and is used to help with depression in aromatherapy. The oil’s a-Pinene and Limonene constituents make it uplifting, refreshing and stimulating.

Inhaling Bergamont can also help maintain metabolism by stimulating the hormones and fluids that aid digestion and nutrient absorption. There are studies to suggest that the microbiome influences anxiety and depression which supports Bergamot as a supporting remedy to depression and anxiety.


Rose Geranium

Source: Egypt

Aroma: Floral, Sweet, Rose undertone

Rose geranium has analgesic and anti-anxiety properties. It is known for its energizing qualities, promoting optimism and emotional stability.

Cosmetically rose geranium extract is commonly used in cosmetic products due to its antioxidant and anti-aging properties.



Source: India

Aroma: Minty, Sharp, Camphoraceous

Eucalyptus oil is a purifying, cleansing, clarifying, and immune-boosting oil. The cooling scent of the oil is known to relieve mental exhaustion by boosting circulation to the brain, stimulating the brain out of any sluggishness, and rejuvenating the spirit.

Cosmetically, Eucalyptus can reduce scalp itchiness and help reduce dandruff and flakiness.  Topically the oil has natural insecticide qualities.

Medically, Eucalyptus is often used to relieve sinus congestion and remove airborne bacteria through a diffuser.



Source: Nepal

Aroma: Sweet Minty, warming woody aroma

Derived from the leaves of wintergreen herbs, the aromatherapy and medical benefits of the oil include revitalizing exhausted and tender muscles and reducing muscle spasms. It is also good for soothing headaches and can be effective when used to massage lower pack pain, joints, and ovaries.

Cosmetically wintergreen oil can improve the clarity of complexion, soothe dryness and irritation, and can help prevent hair loss.